This was a great article, and took me back to my childhood. Me and my sis played s many games inside our house growing up. I would actually ride my bike inside the house. We took a part a golf ball and a baseball once, just to see what was inside both of them. A big mistake on both. lol
We invented one game were one interior door to a bedroom was fully opened it made a triangle of sorts, between two inside walls, and the door as the third wall in the triangle. One of us, me or my sis would get in this triangle and we had a way to lock the door to the outside wall. Just a cheap lock. We wanted to see how many pillows my sis could toss over the door as I steadily got higher and higher standing on pillows, blankets and such... My Mom comes home early, and wanted to go to bed. My heart was pounding as my Mom passed in front of the triangle I was hiding inside.... And just on cue, the lock gave way, and me pillows, blankets bust out behind the door covering me and my Mom..
To give here credit, she only said... I am going to sleep now, and you two need to make a new game...a much quieter
That was it.. but we never played triangle again. lol