This was a very scary article to read. Back in those days this happenned more often than people realize. Alot of this behavior was "swept under the rug"... after all what would the neighbors think.
I am so impressed you got help from your parents, the school, the police, and even kifds in your classroom. I am also so thnakful you were ok, during this.
On a lighter note: My Mom had tod me all the rules back then when I was youg also. DO NOT RIDE WITH STRANGERS, she said. That was about it. ... The very next day I was wlaking home from school, more like swimming home from school. And it began a horricic rain storm thunder and Lightening also. With no rain gear at all... Scared to death, a block long Black Cadilllac pulled up to the curb. Get in I will give you a ride home... I looked inside and it was my family doctor, who was a close friend of ours... NOPE... and I ran the rest of the way home... Funny thing was, she never explained what a stranger was. to this seven year old.