This was excellent. There was so much thought in this poem. It makes ou wonder why Walmart even does this. I get it, I have a receipt, I should not worry. But I have passed the guards, while others are stopped, and visa-versa. What other store does this? That is one reason I like Sams. Everyone is stopped. My grocery store, no one is stopped... Seriously, why is this even an issue? Oh well, knowing this is why I go to Target or Sams.
As you said, it is just "Awkard", perfect word.
lol @ Your face of disappointment made a small victory even greater, AMEN!
And one more perfect word used was... "Wal-Mart Hero"... I will never go to another Wal-Mart store without thinking of that person at the door as the "Wal-Mart Hero"
Great Poem... Keep em' coming.