Please not another one of those articles, again.
To Follow, or not to Follow Please not another one of these articles
The Day After Christmas, and it’s time to get back to Medium
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Seasons Greetings, Happy Holidays, or as the Seinfeld show taught us, Happy Festivus for the Rest of Us, and Happy Kwanzaa. Either way, it was a great time to celebrate friends and family.
I read a great article from a Medium writer, before the holidays, (I am sorry I cannot find that article, or the writer’s name). His article is on, how may articles are out there, that are so similar to the original article once written. I am paraphrasing, I hope my memory was close enough to the true meaning of his article.
I think we can all agree, there are a lot of similar articles written in Medium. I am hoping mine has a little different take on the topic. Here Goes:
First, Should we follow writers, just to follow for the Numbers?
My honest answer, yes we should. Please let me explain. On October 16, 2021 I was a new Medium writer with a dream, a poem, and no followers. I knew full well, I…