~Why are they so tiny?~
This is another 150 word challenge. However when I got the idea, it dawned on me these 150 word articles, remind me of reading the warning labels on a medicine bottle.
Here goes.
For the past couple of days, I have not interacted with writers on Medium as much as I should have. My job has kept me away, Bla Bla Bla. But now it shows on my stats and on “new” followers. Today is the first day in over a month, I have not woken up to at least one new follower.
Warning Label
Here is your warning Label for any writer on Medium. Go ahead get the magnifying glass. Keep active and in touch with your audience, new and old. Answer all claps, by going to that writer, read an article, clap, follow, say a kind word. And follow me in the morning.
AL. Newman
Wire Editor Newman
My first 150 Word Challenge