What a great devotion for today. Thank you Linda.
A couple of thoughts:
1) How you said churches slpit over silly reasons, like preaching barefoot. I agree, yes churches can split over over the craziest reasons, like preaching barefoot, I kind of relate that to, when I was young, everyone had to wear a suit and tie to church. Now days, it is hard to find a suit and tie anywhere in a church. Which is ok with me. And some churches split and make compromises over how the choir sings. I am old school, I want to hear the old hymns, a lot of people like the new contemorary songs.
Some churches have two services to accomadate both.
2) Paul wants nothing to be a stumbling block to being a believer. Yet some churches have rules on personal lifestyles. That can't be right, God loves us all. But some churches invoke what they believe you can and can't be.
Great article,
ummm Medium apparently can decide what devices you can and can't use also.
Keep Writing