Member-only story
Writing Prompt #24
What Are You Currently Learning or Unlearning?
And sometimes relearning what you just unlearned. Confused?
Life is a funny thing.
First, I would like to thank Nancy Blackman, MASF, for this challenge: What are you currently learning or unlearning? This one made me think “way back, in the way back.” As some like to say. I had to think back in my life several years ago, to come up with my answer.
Life is a funny thing, because I am now discovering how I did, what I used to do, compared how I do things now. Many of those things I used to do, were pretty much a “Knee-Jerk” reaction, which now have changed 180°. Now I add in things like common sense and safety, to make my choices.
Case in Point
Jumping off a High Dive, diving board. How crazy was that? Especially for someone afraid of heights like me. When I was much younger, I was quite the “Dare-Devil.” I would climb that ladder to the high dive, run to the edge of the diving board, and like some kind of a strange bird that forgot how to land. I would simply “cannon ball”, splash into the pool. I was like seven or eight years old then, and I quit jumping off the high dive very shortly after that.