3-September 2022

What I Am Grateful For Today

Finally, a day off

Wire Editor Newman
2 min readSep 4, 2022


This is a picture of the words, Pray More, Worry Less. My article is about the Bible verse: Psalms 46:18, “Be still and know I am God. “ I felt these words, Pray More, Worry Less, go with my article quite well. wireeditornewman@medium.com. a.k.a. AL.
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

I am most thankful today for the Bible verse, Psalms 46:10, which says: “Be still and know that I am God.” First, I love this Bible verse, as I have mentioned it in many other articles I have written.

However, today, I offer a different interpretation of this verse. Instead of having an issue of a medical…



Wire Editor Newman

Writer of, Humor, Poetry, Life, Love, Fiction, Automobiles and the Blues. / Writing in Medium.com / https://medium.com/refresh-the-soul