Wow, what a timely article for me, and so well written. Thank you for all of your advice.
My Mom had cancer, (twice) Unfortunately I was in her hospital room when the Doctor came in to tell her the news. (This was years ago) I tried to excuse myself and leave, but she would not let me go. Please, can I go?, "Nope, I waant you to hear this. Reluctantly, I agreed. She had cancer, the Doctor told her the good and the bad. She said, " Doc, I am in your hands, and your hands are in God's hands, so lets do this, as soon as we can"... Looking back I am glad I stayed, This past year I have had some cancer testing too, Let's just say my Gleason score is 7, which according to my Doc is not that bad, but at 7 we have to do something... I just remembered what my Mom said, Ok Doc, I am in your hands, and your hands are in God's hands, so lets do this, as soon as we can"..., I am ready... I find out more tomorrow.
Thanks Doc,....
Continued success in medium