What a great article A beautiful tribute to youe Dad.
. It is so wonderful you were able to have those last words, and thoughts with your Dad. It happenned much faster, and younger for me with my Dad passing. . The last wrods from my Dad when I was nine years old was, he loved me, I was his little shadow, and your Brother will be in charge. I was able to keep some of my Dad's belongings, which I would not take any amount of money for. My Mom passed away in 2019. I got to the hospital minutes after she went to see the Lord. It was her right eye that was slightly open, and a slight smirk on her lips. It looked as if she had just said, " I am ready Lord". I wrote a poem about my Dad, well sorta. It was about a dad who had three kids, like my Dad, and my siblings, and they found his Will.
I invite you to read it: